Activecitizen54's Blog

Terrorist Tuesday 11.25.14

Posted in Creative Construction by activecitizen54 on November 25, 2014

Terrorist Tuesday 11.25.14


Hovering here on the cusp of the dew, the night sounds soothing in the closeness of the air as only seaside dwellers understand, the wet-blanket feeling dragging me downward to collapse.  The damp breeze pushes heavily laden atmosphere into a nearly magical moonlight and starlight parade.

I am awake and very conscious now for 49 hours.  I meditated an hour last night in walking meditation keeping the cramps out.  Tonight has flown as the sea fog rolls across the tops of the fences, flowing as if under conscious control.  An hour of prone meditation and I’ve been up since.

The only way that this will be cured is to ride it through.  I refuse to take a pill.  I will retire this evening at my normal 11:00 PM.  This should effectively re-set my internal clock.

Now, I freely admit to being just a tad CRANKY, reading the news feeds out of Ferguson, MO.  Perhaps I snapped just a bit too soon, that remains to be seen.

A long time friend, CoinyerOneOOne, from Huffington Post and other news sites made this comment to an article about the Miami SWAT team breaking into the wrong home:

we need a war on stupid cops…,

  • Kevin Andrews God knows I love you Coinyer, I do wish you and yours a very Happy Holiday Season.

    However, These Cops are NOT stupid. They know their systems and bureaucracy better than the do-nothing Prosecuting Attorney, under Eric Holder’s very own personal guidance and close tutelage.
    The Eric Holder Department of Injustice’s track record isn’t pretty:
    Letting the Torturers free.
    The Traitors, still spewing their Sunday morning vitriol. 
    Holder admits that the Thieving Banksters and Scamming Wall Street Fraudsters,WERE NOT PROSECUTED OUT OF FEAR OF FAILURE!
    Lies to perpetuate the Dynasty of Death’s Wars, to enrich Halliburton, XE, Blackwater, General Dynamics ad nauseum MIC.
    All these are ELEPHANTS in the room of the intentional destruction of America by the 1%’s purchase of these cheap primates on Liar’s Mound.
  • Kevin Andrews I am leaving for Honduras sooner rather than later. At least, in Honduras, as a Citizen, I stand a fighting chance of carving out an honest, self-sufficient, safe and protected home among peoples with honor who grasp REALITY. 
    How many of the 1% are at home in the USA? 
    How many American Citizens fled the first Bush Presidency to Central America and South America? 
    The Second Bush Travesty, more Feces from Kennebunkport flushed into national consciousness by election fraud and a cowardly (or bought-off) Supreme Court.
    The Government Declared War On Main Street with the War on Drugs, our children, as always the pawns as We The People are now painted as THE ENEMY.
    The Fruits of 60 years of legitimized slavery now turned to big business by the “privatization” of Prisons.
    Look at the give-away to big Pharma too.
    Net Neutrality another way they say “Screw You!”
    The Corruption runs through to Ferguson, MO. and every Main Street in this once great nation brought to her knees by Christ-O-Fascists with Sharia Law for all.
    These Bastards in blue, tin badges on the streets, their peers in the DEA and HOMELAND Security Gestapo with NSA spying, leads me to grasp the revolution is expected. 
    Ferguson, MO is Hiroshima with the Big Bertha of Darren Wilson destroying lives of Humans indiscriminately, Sport Hunting Children; stolen cigars or not.
    That may not be such a good idea after all. 
    The 1% will NEVER BE EFFECTED BY PROSPERITY ON MAIN STREET.  These creatures are so Narcissistic, riddled with self-absorption, Greed, with Hate, Gluttony and Pure Toxins of Primate Pollution, that the handful of We The People who are fed this rich slop, will die a slow and tortured death like Citizens at Love Canal, Prisoners being WATER-BOARDED in some GULAG constructed by the USA in our Global Occupation through Christ-O-Fascism.
    The Christ-O-Fascist Missionary of Hate Prey on while the Tokyo Rove choir sings it’s methane blue tunes. Bishop Boner and Cardinal Coal excellent leadership to accomplish the destruction of America, as planned.
  • A real American “success” like, Small Pox infected blankets or the Koch Brother’s Daddy Stealing oil from the REAL NATIVE POPULATION. What about that sense of Dominion and Entitlement brought here by the Western European Invaders.
    Thanks to:
    The Eric Holder and BFF Do-Nothing Department of Injustice,
    The Conspiring FED,
    The Military Industrial Complex, it’s media now polluted with Borderline Personality Disordered Faux Spews & Fiends fairly unbalanced TABLOID TV fueling the Christ-O-Fascist drive to destroy America.
    The obscenity of robo-signing, vacuuming Trillions of Dollars from American  Main Street’s Prosperity; as was the plan when the Banksters made their Savings & Loan debacle now come to full fruition. 
    Slick Willie gave them a test run and then depended on Dubya’s idiocy to succeed.  A few presidential directives to stop the examiners and voi la.
    The Great Recession and now we want to re-cycle Bill as First Lady.
    Look at the performance of ‘Bishop Boner’ of the Holy Republican Cults Of Jeebus Inc’s feeding frenzy for the one percent. 
    Passing out checks on the Congressional floor from the Tobacco Lobby! 
    As for the FED; what Paulson began, Bernanke continued and the contempt of America, Americans and We The People is now repeated ten thousand fold from Skank of America’s stealing your money to cash a check, (drawn on them) to the rape of education through Privatization.
    America today is an absolute nightmare parody of the United States of America I grew up in.
  • Kevin Andrews I think I’m a little cranky here at 4:13 AM EST but I do take great pride and true relief in knowing I am only seven minutes from heaven… Love and hugs to all.
    *Blows Smoke Rings* Symbolic of the three days of actual, We The People’s Business, these Millionaire Lawyers, Liars & Layers of whole cloth lies, legitimized Bribery, Corruption and Graft from our ONE PARTY system proudly crowed accomplishment for SHUTTING DOWN THE GOVERNMENT!  TERRORISTS, ONE AND ALL.
    Look, there are 365 days in a year and from where I stand on Main Street in the middle of this Class War these Clowns are the problem, not the cure. 
    Where is the Military defending the American People from this financial Napalm and the Bush/ChainE “Deficits Don’t Matter!” Scorched-earth exit from the White House. That surely is an Enemy Domestic.
    There are real reasons that Bush boy finished the second coloring book for the Presidential  Lie-Bury and for painting his toes in Tyler, TX.  The Hague is watching.
    Could it be WAR CRIMES? 


  • OUR Public Representatives voted over 50 times to repeal or just not fund the ACA.
    Hello AMERICA!
    Do Americans have Health Care even half as efficient as France or Canada?
    No Americans have Illness Care and Bankruptcy as the Greedy Thieves eat up any assets that the ill may hold to satisfy their greed.
    These Congress Critters are the Meat-Puppets of the lying thieves who blew up the economy to set up the second prosperity vacuum while the Wars of LIES raged on feeding the GREED of the MIC.
    These “PUBLIC REPRESENTATIVES” discovered that they can line their pockets best  by pandering to Monsanto, Exxon, CLEAN Coal with more War from Mercenary Americans fueling the problems on the ground. 
    The Corporate Super-Person of the Robert’s Kangaroo Court’s Immaculate Conception, Virgin Birth then Imbued with a Hobby Lobby Soul just like John Roberts Baptized the little honker himself.  Maybe the new “reformed” Catholic Church will accept the books of Roberts & Scalia.  The Church is the biggest Corporate Entity on the face of the Earth.
    365 days in a year and Bishop Boner schedules only 95 freaking work days in a year of doing We The People’s Business?  That’s Contempt of Constitution, Contempt of Office and mostly Contempt of We The People.
    Why not?  The American Sheeple don’t vote.
    So here is the long and the short of it:
    This is a carefully Staged Kabuki.
    Meat Puppets dancing on strings from C-Street to K-Street bouncing through revolving doors doing absolutely nothing except:
    Rubbing the nose of the American Citizen Taxpayers in the feces they excreted by not doing their jobs in oversight, funding or effective legislation for the Health and Well Being of all Americans.
    This One-Party System raped Main Street, Lied us into Wars, Raped Main Street some more.
    Look what they’ve done in reducing America to a 3rd World Nation by stealing wages from labor, not rewarding increased productivity, suppressing education all while pandering to the lowest common denominator as demonstrated in the gent from Ohio.
    Does America have nationalized Health Care?
    America has a half-ass-stitched-together piece of Clingy Corporate Feces in our faces and our pockets.
    The Corporate Super-Person takes a big Duke dump of coal ash into North Carolina rivers, Fracking Chemistry poisoning ground water. What the Holy Republican Cults of Jeebus Inc’s answer to that is; “Give some of those empty park lands to develop, pollute and rape.”
    We have the ability right now to dismantle every Electric Utility and be residence sustaining.  We don’t for the same reason Gasoline goes to $4 per gallon.  It’s greed and these Corporate Super-Persons are immortal in this current atmosphere even though they’ve destroyed that Atmosphere.
    Americans are set to be defecated upon by the Corporate Super-Person’s “Privatization” howl from the Cannibal Cults.
    Look at the astronomical profits that the Sociopaths of Robert’s bouncing babies strips from Main Street.
    There is no investment or reinvestment from Crony Capitalism.
    There is only the obscene greed that drives John Birch Society Spawn to declare War as seen in Ferguson and coming to your back lawn now.
    Go ahead; take a real hard look around you America!
    According to the Media, that may or may not report anything accurately since the Rupert & Roger Road Show of Poisonous Persons Pontificating, AKA, Faux Spews & Fiends fairly unbalanced Tabloid TV, declared that everything that comes from a failed High School teacher is GOTP Gospel according to Huckabee and whatever blond bimbo he can get next to to have anyone pay attention at all.
    Feel Free America because as soon as the Koch Brothers find a way to sell clean air that their industry and rape of the planet hasn’t polluted; you will be billed.
    Four Trillion dollars is what the Dynasty of Death, Halliburton, GE and other “Government Contractors” pocketed off Main Street through the ChainE-Dubya Reign of Terrorists.
    Does America not remember what War Profiteering is?  If not there are several great examples in the Middle East right now.
    Twelve Trillion dollars is what the Banksters & Wall Street Scammers, who make things up instead of making things, stole from American Families’ Prosperity.
    If Minimum Wage kept up with inflation, and these Greedy Thieves profits, Americans would be earning $50,000.00 per year base pay.
    Take a long hard look America.
    The Great Captains of Industry in their greed fleeced Americans in off-shoring.
    The pillars of Academia and Economics sat on their hands, kept their mouths  shut and apparently became blind for SIXTY YEARS while the Kennedy Coup came to full fruition in the ChainE-Dubya Reign of Terror, Torture and lies.
    The Corporate Super-Person Killed Family Farms, Family Businesses and Big-Boxed this once thriving economy into having it’s gonads ripped out by the FED.
    What in Hell is wrong with America?
    Look to the Statesmen.
    What’s that?
    You can’t find any?
    Nonsense, Sanders, Warren, Frankel and a smattering, perhaps a handful in both Houses.  What populates the Hallowed Halls of our government are no longer Leaders of Men but Meat-Puppets on the Kabuki stage inside the Beltway that defecates on you through “Trickle-Down” that is really “PISS ON YOU AMERICANS” from these powerful artificial paper people who now have more freedom of speech than you or I.
    The beaming Mother/God Roberts declared that Money is free speech to insure the vampire squid he birthed completely strangles America in the Greed for the benefit of only those privileged few, the 1% who own them.
    Prepare yourself America.  Your children, your homes, your livelihoods and future are all now dependent upon the whim of John Birchers or any other source both foreign and domestic that can pony up enough cash to Purchase their very own politicians.
    America it is long past time that you grew up and restored this nation and the Constitution upon which it was founded from the SIXTY-YEAR SIEGE OF GREED, LIES & WAR ON YOU.

    Kevin Andrews Please Sister Lindsey and Crash McStain; tell me please what masters you serve because it is NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE now or ever in your pandering called a career while all you do is sleep through hearings.